

Lots of ministry coming up. This weekend Brian will be in North Carolina for a online web event airing on The next day Brian and Josh Harmony will be in Santa Clarita skating and sharing.

The Christian Skaters conference is coming up soon. October 13th to 16th in Florida for fellowship, speakers and events. Lower price of $80. Click below for more details.

Come see Josh Harmony and Brian Sumner in Vacaville. Details below! †

Hey we have a major prayer request. John Kight who has been doing skate ministry for many years as part of KKSM has some kind of lump, tumor on his head. Dr’s are checking for what it is and we are asking you stand together with us in agreement for God to move and be glorified. Read James 5:13-16. Amen!

New series started at Generations on Sex Lies & Love. Make sure you are of age to view this.

Hope you guys will head out to the Luis Palau fest down in San Diego this saturday the 11th of september. Brian will be skating and sharing along with the KKSM crew. Below are some pics form the Lifelight festival this past weekend. Many responded to the call given at the 4 demos over the course of 3 days. Praise Him! John 15:16 †

Come join Brian Sumner, Zac Archuleta and Anthony Carney for skate and fellowship September 3-5 at The LifeLight Festival in South Dakota!

Deacon Rick and Aaron Morgan in Nome Alaska… Outreach and Foolishness premier. “God is great! He loves His children so much; each one of you reading this right now. Look what he did in a place like Nome Alaska through the Soul Miners Outreach Event. Nome has never experienced Jesus Christ this way. He is calling all of the saints to remind you of how much of a vital role you play in advancing …His kingdom on earth. I exhort you to do something for God today by blessing someone He puts in your path! Take a step of faith and watch God work :) Phil 4:13- you can do all things through Christ who strengthens us” Rick!