

Hope all are well. Heres some updates from everyone skating, and hanging out. Been skating the Hurley park, filming for Billy Graham website. Be praying for Haiti, Foolishness is airing on some networks and do all things to Christ. †

Happy New Year In HIM! For all those trying to find the “Foolishness” DVD, you can click on the banner above. Pray for it to reach many as more and more people hear about it.

Brian and Josh talk about The Foolishness film…

Why Foolishness? from SkateBible on Vimeo.

The Uprising Season two final episode.

Santa died, Jesus died and rose again. Praise God! †

Skate clips…

Brian Sumner Skate Clips from SkateBible on Vimeo.

Pastor Eddie Elguera… Eddie is long time ripper who is full time Senior Pastor… This is back in the day. Praise God. †

Airspeed mini trailer…

Last minute CHRIST mas shopping, please support TRUTH and NOTW they have helped getting Foolishness out to the stores and groms…

Picture 7

Ron and Gia Emory are premiering Foolishness at the Baptist church they attend this saturday. Please be Praying.
