

Checkout Brandon Wall, filmer and editor of “Foolishness”s site… He works very hard doing lots of ministry. Click!

Chris Weigele Day in the life!

days in the life DAY 1 from BWALL on Vimeo.

Be praying for Pastor Jay and Brian tomorrow at the C28 event.

Catch Pastor Jay on TBN wednesday at 9am on “first to know”. Be praying for the upcoming C28/NOTW/Truth event this weekend, both Pastor Jay and Brian will be sharing The Gospel there.

To promo “Foolishness” limited edition Skate Bible hats. Click!

BFC vid… †

Why Foolishness? from SkateBible on Vimeo.

Hope all is well so much going on. Zac Archuleta is out in Panama with a Calvary outreach with Mike Doyle and Chad Tim Tim. Pastor Jay, Pastor Christian and Brian filmed parts for a which should be ready in the next few months. New decks over at Reliance anyday now. Lots of sermons updated at and C28 event coming up end up feb and many many that need to be mentioned these next few months. So for lack of updates but more coming soon. Be praying for us to be able to help all the ministries we are hearing from… Foolishness is airing on JCTV right now and many other networks are working on it right now. Again the goal is to get it around the world.

Josh Harmonys is about to head into the studio to record and he asked that we pray for him. Also check out the Deezle and Zac Archuleta footage. New sermons on… He is coming back church, lets be transformed by the renewing of our minds… †

Hope all is going well. Upcoming event in San Diego some us of will be heading down to at Del Mar fairgrounds this friday night. The Rock church plant I believe. Demo and message presentation. Reliance is also finishing up a Sumner deck for early feb release. Josh is potentially working on a new album anyday. Lots of partnerships with ministrys heading up for the 2010 God Willing, James 4:13-17 so please be praying. As soon as we have enough hands to come in and help we will be having many more updates. As of now catch Brians and Pastor Jay sermons on or In His Name!